
Canada EFT Software

credit card and ACH integration

Implementing Canada EFT Software is a simple and affordable solution to managing Canadian ACH. Implementing software allows Canadian based applications to debit checking accounts for one-time or recurring payments.

Cross border payments are not available in Canada. This means that funds are required to be collected and settled in the same denomination.  A Canadian bank account to settle funds into is a necessity for U.S. based companies interested in debiting Canadian customers.

Canada EFT Software options are relatively scarce compared to the number of ACH processing providers available in the United States. A small number of banks are in charge of the Canadian payments domain. Since options are limited it is difficult to gain access to Canada EFT processing.

Integrating Canada EFT Software facilitates the automation of payment collection and reconciliation processes, either as an independent application or concurrently with a U.S. ACH processing solution. A single system capable of managing both U.S. and Canadian e-check transactions, and reporting data for reconciliation leads to increase customer acquisition tool and more revenue.

Key Benefits from utilizing Canada Electronic Funds Transfer:

  • Rejected payments notifications.
  • Reduce operating expenses
    • Collecting/ writing cheques
    • Manual processing
    • Time spent reconciling accounts
    • Etc.
  • Reliable, predictable cash flow
    • Makes planning much simpler and less stressful.
  • Preserve the autonomy of your business units while ensuring centralized concentration and control of funds.
  • Automation and systems are the key to scalable growth.
  • Efficiently manage cash flow
  • Improve cash forecasting.
  • Accelerate the payables process
  • Control the timing of credits/debits to your account.
  • Reduce employee and bank service charges.
  • Reduce lost and stolen cheques.
  • Mitigate cheque fraud and forgery risks.

Canada Electronic Funds Transfer On-Boarding Process

The onboarding process is arguably the most important process in a customer’s lifecycle for any organization. During a “white label” onboarding process the third party ACH processor tends to remain in the background . It is up to the EFT integration to provide a way for the organization to send the required merchant’s data to the ACH processor’s underwriting department.

An ideal API will:

  • Present the application and underwriting process on their website.
    • Give the impression that the ACH payments solution is coming from them.
  • Notify the parties involved where the application stands.
  • Pass API credentials to the applicant user after the merchant application has been approved and enrolled.
  • Pass the underwriting data to the processor.

The Canada EFT Software path that an application chooses will determine how a SaaS company sends their credentials. SaaS organizations require merchant users to enter API credentials, and in some cases the API credentials are passed on behalf of the merchant to the SaaS organization for entry.


About Wayne Akey

Providing ACH and credit card payment solutions guaranteed to save businesses time and money. You can find Wayne on Google +. A specialist in ACH Integration for software/ASP providers looking to emdbed payment processing capabilities. Read about Integration. View my LinkedIn profile here