How to Choose a Business Credit Card Small businesses sometimes turn to personal credit cards to fund their operations. However, doing so can damage your credit score if things go sour. Before you begin to shop around, see where your business is spending the most. This can help you determine which card will benefit your […]
About Erica Bell
Erica Bell is a small business writer who focuses on topics such as small business credit cards and business checking accounts. She is a web content writer for Clients Are Saying
Now I know why I keep recommending ACH Payments to other Sedona users. You always get problems solved quickly. Just recommended you to the Sonitrol dealer in Buffalo-they also have Toronto Canada.
Judy Petrokas
Billing Administrator
We've been doing our ACH and credit card processing with ACH Payments for years. The thing I like best about the payment processing is that it’s all automated. You send a batch of ACH and credit cards and you get a file back that automatically posts all of the approved transactions directly to the customer’s account. Look ma, no hands! This is the best thing since sliced bread for the security industry as far as automating your back office goes.
Daniel W
Kings III has been using ACH Payments since January 2010 for all of our credit card and EFT processing with great success. ACH Payments is very user friendly and the support has been phenomenal.
Kings III
Customer billing can be one of the most time consuming, energy draining tasks a business has to perform. Since integrating the ACH Payments solutions into our software, we have been able to automate a time and labor sensitive process.
Fran Straight
SE Texas Water Conditioning
At Security Networks, we use automation wherever possible to accurately and cost effectively run our business. Using ACH Payments within our software enables complete automation of the payment process. Reconciliation is made easy and payment exceptions are handled as well. If you want to devote your time and energies to growing your business, you should use them as well.
Ken W
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