As a small business owner, you might be on the fence about accepting credit cards. After all, it costs money to do so, right? And maybe you don’t do enough business to justify signing up with a credit card processing company. On the other hand…maybe that’s why you don’t do enough business: because you don’t […]
About Gene
Gene is a 24 year veteran of the electronic payments industry and has consulted with countless companies of all sizes. He has overseen large underwriting portfolios, directed IT staff, and currently serves as the Director of Business Development. Gene has appeared before the U.S. Congress to provide expert opinions regarding developing technology and transaction risks towards solutions for the payroll industry. You can find him on LinkedIn>.Building your Competitive Moat
Warren Buffet likes to invest in companies with a competitive moat. That is, their product, service or brand name presents competitors with significant barriers/problems in order to compete. Software developers are constantly under pressure- Pressure from competitors in their market space, from customers with “special needs” and from their own company to produce the next […]
Small Business email management
When it comes to managing email systems for small businesses, some are challenged by the simple fact that they don’t have an IT staff to call upon or they don’t have the resources to put in place an exchange server and maintain it. In those instances many small businesses rely on either: Free mail Webserver […]
The PCI Monkey on your back
Companies who transact commerce are expected to be completely PCI-DSS and/or PA-DSS compliant. To do so can be extremely time consuming, expensive and challenging. From the perspective of a company
ACH Integration Services
Integrating ACH and credit card processing into your software or Internet ASP solution can make your payment processing cycle seamless. We have the documentation, code samples and technical assistance that will make this process easy. In addition the compliance burdens for credit card (PCI) and ACH processing are now on our shoulders rather than your […]
What Clients Are Saying
The best part about ACH Payments is how much time and energy it saves me each month. The ability to schedule monthly automatic electronic payments is definitely a sanity-saver. Loveland Academy of Music
Karen Suedmeier
Now I know why I keep recommending ACH Payments to other Sedona users. You always get problems solved quickly. Just recommended you to the Sonitrol dealer in Buffalo-they also have Toronto Canada.
Judy Petrokas
Billing Administrator
Customer billing can be one of the most time consuming, energy draining tasks a business has to perform. Since integrating the ACH Payments solutions into our software, we have been able to automate a time and labor sensitive process.
Fran Straight
SE Texas Water Conditioning
We've been doing our ACH and credit card processing with ACH Payments for years. The thing I like best about the payment processing is that it’s all automated. You send a batch of ACH and credit cards and you get a file back that automatically posts all of the approved transactions directly to the customer’s account. Look ma, no hands! This is the best thing since sliced bread for the security industry as far as automating your back office goes.
Daniel W
At Security Networks, we use automation wherever possible to accurately and cost effectively run our business. Using ACH Payments within our software enables complete automation of the payment process. Reconciliation is made easy and payment exceptions are handled as well. If you want to devote your time and energies to growing your business, you should use them as well.
Ken W